Week 17 - Stand Firm #52weeks52shirts

Week 17
Stand Firm
I originally put this shirt out about 5 years ago. We were going through the Trayvon Martin trial and it was a timely statement to what's going on out in the world. Since then it seems like things have only gotten worse.
So this is a reminder: STAND FIRM!
Don't let them break you.
We can't be broken.
This shirt is a tribute to all of the known and unknown recipients of violence and police brutality. This country has stained reputation for eating its own. We have to continue to STAND FIRM and fight the ills of society TOGETHER. It started with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. It ends with us.
Peace to:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcolm X
Malice Green
Rodney King
Assata Shakur
Angela Davis
Sean Bell
Oscar Grant
Trayvon Martin
Jordan Davis
Mike Brown
John Crawford
Aiyanna Stanley-Jones
Ezell Ford
Sandra Bland
Eric Garner
Tamir Rice
Freddie Gray
Alton Sterling
Rekia Boyd
Michelle Shirley
Antwon Rose
#STANDFIRM #BLACKLIVESMATTER #DONTSHOOT #tshirts #detroit #ny #la #atlanta #miami #chicago #baltimore #texas #california #newyork #activism #tanktops #accessories #mugs #florida #hoodies #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #buyblack #shopblack #supportblackbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal #policebrutality